These 5 Alien-like Animals That Live In The Harshest Environments


Our world is habitable and is made complete by a fully functional natural ecosystem. There are, however, a few unique geographical places that are of harsh and unbearable environments. These places can barely support any form of life, let alone human or animal life. Yet, there are some robust animal species that have somehow evolved through time and have...

31 Extraordinary Facts About Emma Stone That Everyone Must Know


Emma Stone, with her impeccable performance as Mia, took us all to “La La Land.” Since the time she made her appearance with hilarious “Superbad,” as a redhead, to her Oscar-winning performance, she has been taking the world on a wonderful ride. But, there is a lot more about her career and her performances that you might have not...

Everything You Should Know About Brain Tumors


  A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of tissue, which disrupts the proper functioning of the brain as more new cells add mass while the old and damaged cells do not die. Types Some brain tumors are benign but others can be cancerous. The most common brain tumor in adults are gliomas and astrocytic and these develop from astrocytes and different...

Top 9 Food Ideas For Kids


Kids are picky eaters, and encouraging them to have healthy food is another task altogether. But, fret not as here we bring forth some brilliant ideas to ensure that your child is getting all the required nutrients. Read on to know the top 9 food ideas for kids, that your kids, as well as the entire family, will enjoy. Porridge:...

Meet These 9 Animals that Don’t Have a Brain


It is unimaginable that any living creature could exist without the use of a brain. The one organ that is mostly responsible for most of our cognitive functioning. It would be impossible for any living creature to effectively exist without a brain to facilitate the coordination and functioning of the body in response to any given stimuli. There are...

(Video) Get Ready for Space Force with Steve Carell Back in Charge


We loved the office and have sky high expectations for this new Netflix series that includes not only Carell, but other screen legends John Malkovich, Lisa Kudrow, and Jane Lynch. Check out the trailer and mark your calendars, because let's be honest, none of us are going to be doing anything else anyway.

Top 7 Symptoms Of A Silent Heart Attack


Heart diseases are on the rise these days and a heart attack is the most dreadful health condition. Studies suggest that every year in the USA, more than a million people die due to heart attack. With more and more people losing lives due to cardiovascular diseases, the best solution to save lives is making people aware of heart...

6 Most Fascinating and Craziest Cultural Traditions In The World


Cultural beliefs and practices have throughout history defined different communities and the unique ways of livelihoods. These consistently observed traditions have been generationally passed down to ensure their symbolic purposes do not die down and fade away into obscurity. Some cultural traditions, however, are remarkably extraordinary and would excite anyone's intrigued instincts while fulfilling a generational practice held in...

31 Fascinating Facts About Keira Knightley That Will Make You Love Her More


Keira Knightley, one of the most beautiful and talented actresses in Hollywood, has been giving us a lot of box office hits for decades. Her elegance and stylish outfits have always left us astound, making her unique. And her dedication to work is something every upcoming star has to learn. Still, there are many things we don’t know about...

14 Foods That Will Boost Your Immunity Naturally


If you are looking to boost your immunity, rather than popping a pill, do it naturally. Yes, you can give a boost to your immunity naturally by including some immunity booster foods in your diet. Read on to know more about the super immunity boosters, which will also promote your overall well-being: Citrus fruits: Citric fruits like oranges, grapefruit, lemons,...