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10 Simple Ways to Maintain a Clean and Tidy Home

10 Simple Ways to Maintain a Clean and Tidy Home
10 Simple Ways to Maintain a Clean and Tidy Home

Keeping the house clean proves to be a monstrous and exasperating undertaking. Nevertheless, simple strategies can make this task quite doable, even likable. Here are ten easy ways for how to clean your house:

1. Get rid of your things that are not needed at home

This is not only to have a more presentable place but also for easier cleaning work. Categorize your things in four piles: keep, donate, recycle, and throw. Regularly cleaning helps to keep unwanted things at bay.

2. Plan Your Cleaning Schedule In ADVANCE

Design a cleaning calendar to make responsibility daily, weekly, and monthly. This will enable one to recall cleaning all corners of his home. An example would be vacuuming and dusting every Monday, working on the bathroom on Wednesdays, scrubbing of the floor every Fridays.

3. Clean As You Go

Make it a daily habit, cleaning as you go. After eating, clean your working table at the kitchen, keep those clothes on there proper places, arranging the living room before going to bed. In this way, clutters will not pile up.

4. Using the right Equipment and Commodity

Yet appropriate cleaning tools and supplies can still make all the difference. A high quality vacuum cleaner; a few microfiber cloths, and suitable cleaning solutions would even be nice to have handy. Such supplies, when clean, well-organized and ready to go in each room would easily facilitate the cleaning task.

5. High-Traffic Areas

Be more present about entryways, kitchen, and bathroom areas. These are the areas that take long to get dirty and often require cleaning. A regular cleaning of these areas shall help your home to look excellent.

6. Make Your Bed Every Morning

Making your bed every morning gives you a sense of order and civility. Making your bed is an action, however insignificant it may seem, that instantly makes your bedroom appear cleaner. It is one small action that makes all the difference in the appearance of the room.

7. Do a Quick Tidy at Night

Take a little time in the evening to tidy up. This puts away the leftovers of the day and fluffs pillows for easier cleaning in the morning and maintenance of the area .

8. Get the Whole Family On Board

Cleaning is not done by one person. Get everybody’s help in the household with age appropriate tasks. This will not only lighten the burden off from you but also teach them responsibility and teamwork.

9. Use Storage Solutions

A good storage can help to keep your house clean. Storage can be in the form of baskets, bins, or shelves. All of these can be used to store things in a friendly manner. Sometimes storage containers can be labeled to make it easier to found a place or put the item away .

10. Deep Clean Periodically

Besides the regular cleaning, also perform deep cleaning at intervals. Some of these deep cleaning jobs include cleaning windows, back of home appliances, and shampooing of carpets. With the deep cleaning, a clean and healthy home atmosphere3 is guaranteed .

Adopt the above measures as part of the daily routine so that the living space can be organized and found to be more beautiful.

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