Home Health 6 Tips On How To Improve Your Sleep Quality

6 Tips On How To Improve Your Sleep Quality


Getting a good night’s sleep is an essential part of health care. During sleep, the parasympathetic nerve is activated among the autonomic nerves, and the body secretes substances that help recover from fatigue and improve immunity. If you do not get enough sleep due to this action, you will have problems with your normal condition the next day, which will greatly affect your work and academic performance. In addition, these sleep disturbances affect normal blood pressure, blood sugar, and weight, which can increase the likelihood of overweight and various adult diseases. Sleep, which plays such an important role, is greatly influenced by environmental factors. As it is known that irregular life patterns, physical activity during the day, types of food eaten before bed, stress, etc. greatly affect the quality of sleep, it is known that these parts are well understood to improve the bad parts, and It can be said that getting out is important. So today, we’re going to look at some of the ways you can help improve the quality of your sleep. How to improve your sleep quality

1. Maintain a regular sleep cycle

Sleep and wake times are often inconsistent due to irregular lifestyle patterns. If this irregular sleep pattern is repeated, it causes sleep disorders such as insomnia and at the same time adversely affects the normal condition the next day. In particular, irregular sleep patterns cause great problems in blood pressure and insulin resistance, increasing the likelihood of developing vascular diseases and diabetes. One study found that people with irregular sleep times nearly doubled their risk of cardiovascular disease if they continued their lifestyle over 5 years. Therefore, it is important to make a habit of sleeping and waking up at a regular time as much as possible, and it is recommended not to deviate from that standard for more than 2 hours. And even if you sleep late, it is good to have a habit of waking up at a certain time, and it is recommended to avoid sleeping all at once on the weekend.

2. Creating an environment suitable for sleep hygiene

Sleep hygiene refers to lifestyle habits that help you get a good night’s sleep, and it can be said that the most important part of sleep hygiene is to create a comfortable and comfortable environment in the bedroom space where you sleep. It is important to keep the bedroom well ventilated, quiet, and maintain the right temperature and humidity, not too hot and not too cold. It is also a good way to get a good night’s sleep by providing bedding, such as blankets and pillows, that allow your body to feel comfortable while sleeping. And if you can’t fall asleep even after about 10 minutes of lying in bed, it’s better to do something less stimulating, such as reading or listening to the radio, and then go back to bed when you fall asleep.

3. Refrain from using TV or smartphone before sleeping

There are cases when you continue to watch TV or use your smartphone continuously before going to sleep. Blue light emitted from these electronic devices interferes with sleep by inhibiting the normal secretion of melatonin, a hormone that naturally secretes sleep. In particular, if you are exposed to blue light even after going to bed, your brain, which secretes melatonin, perceives it as daytime and interferes with a comfortable sleep. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the use of various digital devices such as watching TV or smartphones as much as possible 1 to 2 hours before bedtime.

4. Refrain from excessive exercise in the late evening hours

Some people do jogging or strength training right before going to sleep. Exercising before going to sleep like this stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and acts as a factor that interferes with sleep. Therefore, if you are going to exercise, it is recommended to finish it 3 hours before going to sleep, and to release tension through stretching or simple gymnastics before going to bed to relax the body. And it is good to exercise regularly during the daytime, and it is good to take a walk for about 30 minutes to an hour during the time when the sun is mainly shining.

5. Avoid eating spicy and spicy foods before going to bed

If you eat a large amount of food before going to bed, it will greatly affect your normal sleep rhythm because you are sleeping in an undigested state. In particular, spicy and irritating foods can cause digestive problems such as heartburn and cause unstable sleep, so it is recommended to be careful. In addition, consuming caffeine-containing coffee, energy drinks, tea, chocolate, etc., as it is a factor that interferes with sleep, it is recommended to avoid it during the afternoon hours. It is recommended. On the other hand, milk, salmon, lettuce, bananas, nuts, and cherries, etc., are known to help the synthesis of the hormone melatonin, which induces sleep.

6. Nap Control

After lunch, the feeling of fullness makes the body feel drowsy and often takes a nap. A nap of 10 to 20 minutes is said to improve concentration, cognitive ability, creativity, etc. to further increase work and study efficiency, as well as relieve stress by resting the brain. However, taking naps longer than 20 minutes can disrupt your sleep cycle and affect your ability to sleep at night. Therefore, it is recommended to take a nap that does not exceed 20 minutes, preferably before 3pm.

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