Home Celebrities 31 Astonishing Facts About Amy Adams That Will Blow Your Mind

31 Astonishing Facts About Amy Adams That Will Blow Your Mind


Be it comedy or tragedy or drama, Amy Adams has proved that she can do it all, and that too perfectly. Her sparkling blue eyes, long strawberry blonde hair, paired with her bright smile, makes her one of the most captivating actresses in Hollywood. But there’s lot more to the actress than that meets the eye. Here are some amazing facts about her career and personal life that you probably didn’t know before:

  1. In preparation for her role as Mickey in “Trouble with the Curve,” she trained with Baseball coordinator Aimee McDaniel, in order to perform better. McDaniel claimed that just after four to five days of training, Amy was able to catch baseballs, like she had been catching them her whole life.
  2. Throughout the filming of “Vice,” she had stayed in her character of Lynne Cheney, specifically keeping her distinct voice. Amy would even engage in political debates with director Adam McKay, while maintaining this distinct voice.
  3. She revealed in an interview with E! News that her nude scene from “American Hustle,” was actually a last minute decision by director David O. Russell, and that she had a gin before filming the scene.
  4. Though, she was not given enough time to think about it, she just had one condition with the director that he must let her look at the scene, if she had to do it. He agreed.
  5. Adams was the first and only choice of director Denis Villeneuve for the role of Louise Banks in “Arrival.” She reportedly agreed to take on the role, within 24 hours of receiving the script.
  6. The wedding dress that her character of Giselle wore in the 2007 movie “Enchanted,” is said to have weighed more than 45 pounds. Amy was taught how to move in that dress, by a stunt double.
  7. It was reported that director Philip Seymour Hoffman, lobbied for Amy to be cast in the movie “Doubt,” in any role. He even threatened to quit the project, if the producers failed to cast her.
  8. However, it was her close friend Emily Blunt, who suggested Amy for the role of Sister James. Blunt was initially offered the role, but she felt she was not the right choice and suggested Amy.
  9. Director David O. Russell is said to have written the character of Sydney Prosser in “American Hustle,” specifically with Amy Adams in mind. He did not have any other actresses in choice to play the role, if Adams did not agree.
  10. For the role of Camille Parker in “Sharp Objects,” it took more than four hours to get all the fake scars to be applied all over her body. Throughout the make-up process, she had to stand pretty much naked in front of the make-up artists.
  11. During the filming of “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice,” Amy did the ALS ice bucket challenge on the set, along with her co-star Henry Cavill, who had extra buckets of ice thrown on him.
  12. In preparation for her role as Margaret Keane in “Big Eyes,” she spent some time with the real-life Margaret Keane and consulted her about different aspects. Amy claimed that Keane, who was in the late 80s, was overwhelmed with the fact that a movie about her life is being made.
  13. Her performance as Louise Banks in “Arrival,” earned her nominations for Best Actress at the Golden Globes, BAFTAs, Screen Actors Guild awards, Critics Choice awards and even the Saturn Awards, except for an Academy Award, which the critics and audiences considered to be a major snub.
  14. She reportedly beat over three hundred actresses when she won the role of Giselle in “Enchanted.” In fact, her audition number was two hundred and seventy five.
  15. The kiss between Adams and Jennifer Lawrence in the bathroom in “American Hustle” was actually unscripted. In fact, it was Adams’ idea, which she suggested to the director and Lawrence.
  16. When the filming of “Doubt” was wrapped, director John Patrick Shanley is said to have gifted Amy Adams with the Nativity Scene, which Sister Veronica puts together at the end of the film.
  17. Although her character of Camille Preaker in “Sharp Objects,” is an alcoholic reporter she actually drank only while filming sex scene, in an effort to get into the proper headspace.
  18. During the filming of “Her,” director Spike Jonze would reportedly have Amy and her co-star Joaquin Phoenix locked in a room for at least an hour or two every alternate day, in an effort to help the actors get to know each other better.
  19. She, along with her co-stars from “American Hustle,” visited the victims of terrorist bombing of the Boston Marathon on April 19, 2013, admitted in the hospitals in the greater Boston area.
  20. For her role as Camille Preaker in “Sharp Objects,” she reportedly lowered her voice timbre, in an effort to not sound like an earlier character of Giselle, who had a drinking problem.
  21. Before landing the part of Louis Lane in “Man of Steel,” she had auditioned two times for the same part in Brett Ratner’s abandoned film and then for the 2006 movie “Superman Returns.” She claimed that it was becoming ridiculous and that she had to put her stamp on the character.
  22. Just 3 months after giving birth to her daughter Aviana Olea Le Gallo, she started working “On the Road,” in which her character Jane / Joan Vollmer was a drug addict. She decided not to have any make-up for the role, and let her natural tiredness show, which suited very well.
  23. It was reported that Disney had initially intended to have the character of Giselle from “Enchanted” added to the Disney Princess line-up. However, they decided against it, after the realization that they have to pay for life-long rights to Amy Adam’s image.
  24. During the filming of “American Hustle,” director David O. Russell was said to have been very harsh with the actors and actresses about their performances. Adams reportedly cried nearly every day on-set.
  25. Her performance as Ashley Johnsten in the 2005 movie ”Junebug” was ranked as the sixth best performance of the decade by Paste magazine in their list of “25 Best Movie Performances of the Decade.”
  26. She reportedly worked for 65 days on the show “Sharp Objects,” which was shot in a period of 90 days. All of her scenes were filmed first, due to scheduling problems.
  27. She had initially turned down the offer to play Margaret Keane in the 2014 movie “Big Eyes,” as she felt the character lacked “a stronger sense of self.” She really liked the script, but was not happy with how the role was portrayed.
  28. However, after working as Sydney Prosser in “American Hustle,” she was able to understand the “quiet dignity” of the character of Margaret Keane. She was able to look at it from a new perspective, and the mother-daughter relationship spoke volumes.
  29. During the filming of more emotional scenes from “Her,” Adams would sing songs from most popular musicals, in an effort to cheer herself up. Her co-star Joaquin Phoenix started to join her, after just a few days. But, both of them stopped singing, when they noticed that director Spike Jonze was filming it.
  30. She was too distracted by her co-star Lee Pace while filming “Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day,” that director Bharat Nalluri had to ask Pace to leave the set immediately.
  31. Amy Adams Net Worth: $60 Million
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