Menopause, also called menopause transition, refers to changes in the normal secretion of female hormones as the ovarian function declines as a woman increases in age. Menopause is caused by the aging of the ovaries, and it is not a disease but a natural process of change in the body. Various mental and physical related abnormal symptoms appear due to individual differences, and when the symptoms worsen, people may experience difficulties enough to interfere with their daily life. In particular, menopausal symptoms caused by rapid changes in the secretion of female hormones greatly affect the quality of life. As the chronic form of sleep disorder is known to cause physical-related abnormalities, it is important to overcome it with a steady management method as it can worsen other symptoms of menopause when it persists. So today, let’s look at several ways to help overcome menopausal insomnia. How to overcome menopausal insomnia
1. Regular exercise during the day
The first way to overcome menopausal insomnia is to exercise regularly during the daytime. Exposure to sunlight during the daytime activates the secretion of serotonin, a neurotransmitter present in the hypothalamus of the brain. This is because serotonin is not only deeply related to positive emotions such as happiness and security, but also has a great effect on helping normal sleep patterns. Therefore, it is recommended to exercise regularly while basking in the sun during the daytime. Exercising should be finished 3 hours before going to bed, and it is said that it helps to get a good night’s sleep by taking a shower or half-bath before sleeping, and relieving fatigue and tension accumulated in the body by light stretching.
2. Maintain a regular sleep pattern
The duration of menopause insomnia can lead to irregular sleeping and waking times. Even if your bedtime isn’t consistent, it’s a good idea to keep your wake-up time the same. Especially on holidays, sometimes I wake up late. In this case, it is desirable to wake up at a regular time, as sleep disturbance may become more severe. And there are times when I take a nap due to insufficient sleep time. A moderate nap will help relieve fatigue and increase concentration at the same time. However, it is recommended to take a nap for 10 to 20 minutes as long naps exceeding 30 minutes can cause confusion in sleep patterns and worsen menopausal insomnia.
3. Avoid excessive caffeine intake
When the symptoms of menopause appear, the secretion of female hormones changes, which can decrease vitality in daily life such as chronic fatigue and lethargy. To solve this problem, there are cases of excessive consumption of coffee and beverages containing caffeine. Excessive intake of such caffeine can intensify the arousal effect and worsen sleep disorders. In addition, excessive intake of caffeine promotes the excretion of calcium from the body, which can greatly affect the occurrence of osteoporosis, which is another problem during menopause. Therefore, it is recommended not to drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day, and it is recommended to control intake of energy drinks with high caffeine content, such as black tea and chocolate.
4. Maintain a healthy diet
Maintaining a healthy and regular diet also helps to alleviate various symptoms caused by menopause. It is recommended to eat a balanced diet of various vegetables and fruits, especially pomegranate, soybean, and dairy products that help minimize changes in female hormone secretion. In addition, eating foods such as bananas, cherries, nuts, lettuce, and milk that stimulate the secretion of melatonin, a hormone that induces sleep, is a good way to overcome menopausal insomnia. On the other hand, it is recommended to improve the habit of overeating and eating late at night, as overeating at night or eating late at night can interfere with digestion and sleep well.
5. Create a comfortable sleeping environment
Various environmental factors such as lighting, temperature, and humidity are also factors that influence the quality of sleep, so it is good to create a comfortable and comfortable sleeping environment as much as possible. Because melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone, is not secreted properly when the lighting is bright, it is recommended to dim the lighting as much as possible, and it is recommended to improve the sleeping environment by maintaining a comfortable temperature and humidity. And there are many cases of using IT devices such as smartphones and tablets before sleeping. The blue light emitted by these devices not only interferes with your sleep, but can also adversely affect your eye health, so be careful.
6. Avoid alcohol dependence
Some people drink alcohol to overcome menopausal insomnia. If you drink alcohol before going to sleep, the alpha waves emitted when your body is awake are aroused and the quality of sleep is further deteriorated, which further adversely affects the normal sleep cycle. In addition, continuous drinking habits can lead to other diseases, including sleep apnea, and can lead to alcoholism due to alcohol dependence. Therefore, it is recommended to improve excessive and habitual drinking.
Here are some tips to help you overcome menopausal insomnia. I hope that the various information introduced will be helpful and I hope you have a happy and healthy day today.