Linda Hamilton is a three-time Golden Globe nominee, known for her remarkable roles in epic movies, who has been in the spotlight for decades. She recently turned heads while reprising her role as Sarah Connor in the "Terminator" film...
Small fish are speedy and easy to scare. So how is it that a giant humpback whale, attacking at speeds about as fast as a person jogs, is able to eat enough fish to sustain itself? Combining field studies,...
Just watch it. No other words needed. Brilliant!Credit: IG/mdurango_— video (@FootballVidZone) December 23, 2019
Kylie Jenner, the world’s youngest self-made billionaire, has been in the limelight, turning heads along with her famous Kardashian-Jenner family. The reality star, unlike her sisters, has an unusual way of dealing with the press and has always been...
Here is the Christmas cookies with all Christmas characters... Santa, Mrs Clause, the cute Rudolph and a cute Christmas tree with a big red bow.
Here are some tips to make your Christmas make up shine.
"What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future." - Agnes M. Pahro
Parents often face a dilemma when deciding which toys suits their children. This article helps provide some ideas for toys that your children will love that won’t break the bank. Below are some of the best toys for kids...
In Europe, transport is responsible for nearly 30% of the total CO2 emissions, of which 72% comes from road transportation*. While the use of electric vehicles for personal transportation could help lower that number, reducing emissions from commercial transport...
Apple Inc. has become a renowned name due to its continuous introduction of new technology and mind-blowing products. And along with its fabulous products, Apple also has a rich history which is equally amazing. The way in which the...