Home Health 5 Clear Symptoms of Iron Deficiency

5 Clear Symptoms of Iron Deficiency


Iron is a component of hemoglobin, which supplies oxygen to the body, and plays a role in transporting oxygen to each tissue. It is present in trace amounts in the body, but its role can be said to play an essential role in normal metabolism. Once absorbed into the body, only a portion of iron, which plays such an important role, is excreted and the rest is reused, so the daily requirement itself is small. However, if these characteristics are overlooked and the intake is insufficient, it can cause various physical abnormalities. In particular, anemia caused by insufficient iron intake is a symptom caused by problems with the function of red blood cells that transport oxygen, and it is a symptom that occurs when oxygen is not smoothly supplied to each tissue needed by the human body, and various abnormal phenomena occur. So today, let’s look at various symptoms that can occur due to insufficient iron intake. Symptoms of iron deficiency

1. Fatigue

The main symptom of iron deficiency is fatigue. It is not a temporary feeling of fatigue that is relieved by rest or sleep, but a continuous form of chronic fatigue continues. The cause of this occurrence is a phenomenon due to insufficient production of hemoglobin due to iron deficiency. Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells and is responsible for carrying oxygen through the body. However, if the production of hemoglobin does not work well due to a lack of iron, the body does not receive enough oxygen, so you feel lethargic and fatigued.

2. Headache

Iron deficiency can also cause headache symptoms. A lack of iron leads to a lack of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen throughout the body, which prevents sufficient oxygen from reaching the brain. It can be said that this series of actions induces pressure on the blood vessels in the brain and causes a headache as it expands.

3. Decreased brain function

Iron deficiency affects not only the aforementioned headaches, but also overall brain function. Iron acts as a cofactor for enzymes involved in the production of neurotransmitters. Iron deficiency affects the normal production of these neurotransmitters, and is known to negatively affect overall brain functions such as memory, concentration, and cognition. And the continued decline in brain function can affect your ability to work and learn.

4. Hair Damage

When iron is deficient, our body supplies oxygen from where it is most needed, and the place that protects hair lacks the necessary oxygen and cannot function properly. In severe cases, it can even lead to hair loss. And if oxygen is not delivered to all parts of the body due to iron deficiency, it affects the skin and nails, causing symptoms such as pale skin or easily brittle nails.

5. Anxiety

Iron deficiency in the body can lead to increased anxiety. When there is a lack of oxygen in the body, confusion occurs in the sympathetic nervous system that maintains homeostasis in our body, and anxiety can be amplified. Therefore, if anxiety is not resolved and continues to increase despite not receiving mental tension or excessive stress, it may be suspected that symptoms are due to iron deficiency.

Other symptoms In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, iron deficiency can cause symptoms such as shortness of breath and irregular heartbeat by reducing the amount of oxygen supplied to the tissues in the body. In addition, when iron is insufficient, the level of myoglobin, which is important for muscle tissue, is lowered, causing abnormalities in the muscle tissue of the tongue and tongue inflammation. In addition, restless legs syndrome, which is characterized by uncomfortable sensory symptoms in the legs, is also reported to be closely related to the deficiency of anemia. How to supplement with iron

In order to prevent various symptoms caused by iron deficiency, it is good to eat a balanced diet of iron-rich foods. Beef, spinach, beets, potatoes, black beans, egg yolks, nuts, and seaweed are among the foods high in iron, so it is recommended to eat them in a balanced way. In addition, when it is difficult to supplement the daily iron intake through food, taking an iron supplement is a good way to supplement iron. However, since taking iron supplements can cause side effects such as constipation and diarrhea, it is recommended to check the presence of food additives or excipients and choose an iron supplement with less side effects suitable for your body.

We looked at the various symptoms that appear due to abnormal iron deficiency. I hope that the various information introduced will be helpful and I hope you have a happy and healthy day today.

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