Home Celebrities 31 Awe-Inspiring Facts About Rooney Mara – The Fan Favorite Lisbeth Salander

31 Awe-Inspiring Facts About Rooney Mara – The Fan Favorite Lisbeth Salander


Rooney Mara, with her impeccable taste and extraordinary talent, has successfully managed to put together a highly respectable career in the Hollywood industry. Having born into billionaire football families, she has made an indelible mark for herself with her groundbreaking performances. Here are some really interesting things to know about the two times Oscar nominated actress:

  1. She is the founder of Faces of Kibera, a non-profit organization, which provides housing, food, and medical care for orphans in Kibera, a slum in Nairobi, Kenya.
  2. In the movie “A Ghost Story,” for the scene in which her character writes a note to stick in the wall, Rooney was instructed to write something that had a deep personal meaning to her. The note reportedly remained in the wall when the house was demolished.
  3. She was asked not to share with anyone about what she wrote in the note. Since then, in every interview, whenever this question pops up, she claims that she has totally forgotten what she wrote.
  4. She was planning to take a short break from her acting career in the early 2015, but she changed her mind after reading the script of “Lion.” She felt it to be really powerful and beautiful.
  5. Although it was just a small part and it was really supposed to be her time off, she felt the need to talk to Saroo Brierley. And just after two minutes of talking to him, she decided that she was going to work with him in the movie.
  6. The piercings which she sports in different movies, especially as her character of Lisbeth Salander in “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,” are actually real and not any kind of cosmetic simulations. She got the multiple ear, lip, nose, eyebrow, and nipple piercings in a series of sessions in Brooklyn and Sweden.
  7. Talking about those sessions, she claimed that it had not been so painful. It was actually her decision to have the piercings, as she felt the character of Lisbeth Salander in “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” requires it to be genuine.
  8. She claimed that because of all the piercings, tattoos, and the physical transformations she underwent for the role, she often felt to be in the costume of Lisbeth Salander, even when she was naked.
  9. Following the completion of “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” shooting, her ear, nose, eyebrow, and lip piercings were removed, but she decided to keep her nipple piercing for possible sequels. She said that it was not something that she would want to get re-pierced.
  10. In the movie “Pan” the boots that her character of Tiger Lily wears are actually her favorite pair of boots, from her wardrobe. According to the story, her character Lily stole it from a pirate.
  11. Rooney had never eaten a pie before filming the pie scene for “A Ghost Story,” but during the shot, she ate an entire pie, though she disliked it.
  12. It was reported that the pie scene in the movie was done in a single take. Mara claimed that it was vegan chocolate flavored and tasted really terrible.
  13. From the second she sits down to have the pie to the scene in which she cannot eat any more of the pie, and runs to bathroom, took her exactly 4 minutes.
  14. The entire cast and crew including the director David Lowery had several variations of pies baked and tested for the particular scene.
  15. It was she who picked a reduced sugar, gluten-free and vegan chocolate pie, as she was a self-confessed picky eater. However, director Lowery found the pie to be really delicious.
  16. In the movie “Lion,” her character of Lucy is actually not based on a single real-life character, but is said to be a combination of several of Saroo’s real-life girlfriends, whom he met during his search.
  17. She claimed in an interview that she totally regrets portraying the character of Tiger Lily in “Pan,” and that she understands why people are upset and frustrated. She added that she hated to be on that “side of the whitewashing conversation,” and don’t ever want to do it again.
  18. Since the age of 13, she had been a very big fan of Cate Blanchett, and claims the experience to work with her in the 2015 movie “Carol,” as something “beyond a dream come true.”
  19. In the shower scene from “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,” most of the bruising on her body is actually real. It was caused by the physicality of shooting the rape scene the day before.
  20. There were countless bruises on her neck, wrists, and torso, which even fooled one of the make-up artists, who thought Rooney’s make-up had already been applied.
  21. In an effort to have her bond better with Dev Patel, director Garth Davis gave them creative exercises during rehearsals, like drawing a portrait of the co-star and outlining how they saw each other.
  22. She and Joaquin Phoenix played a married/divorced couple in the 2013 movie “Her.” The duo started dating during the production of 2018 “Mary Magdalene,” and got engaged on July 21, 2019.
  23. It was reported that executive producer Harvey Weinstein recommended Rooney to director Garth Davis for the role of Lucy in the movie “Lion.” Davis was also impressed with her previous works and immediately thought she was the right choice.
  24. She is an acrophobic, afraid of heights, which made it really difficult for her to perform some of the stunt work in the movie “Pan.” She claimed that she challenged herself, and that the stunt work somewhat made her overcome her fear.
  25. The studio was not convinced to cast Rooney as Lisbeth Salander in “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo,” and was objecting David Fincher. So the director asked her to go out and get really drunk to the extent of a full night of vomiting. He then asked her to come in the next morning, took pictures of her hung-over state, which totally convinced the studio.
  26. Her award-season campaign for the movie “Carol,” is said to have created controversy due to the studio’s decision to have her in contention for the award of supporting actress.
  27. In the movie “Pan,” for the stunt sequences which involved sword fighting, she and her co-stars were asked to use wooden swords at full strength. In the post production of the movie, the blades were digitally added.
  28. The opening breakup scene between Mara and Jesse Eisenberg in “The Social Network,” is said to have been for eight pages of the final script and also took more than 99 takes before the director gave his final nod.
  29. Although she was not required to lose weight for the role of Lisbeth Salander in “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,” she took it upon herself and lost a substantial amount of weight.
  30. She achieved a bony appearance for the character with severe dieting, to the extent that during the filming director David Fincher had to always encourage her to eat.
  31. Rooney Mara Net Worth: $15 Million
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