Here are 10 controversial quotes from Julia Roberts

- “Republican comes in the dictionary just after reptile and just above repugnant.”This quote was made by Roberts during a fundraiser for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry in 2004. It caused a backlash from Republicans who accused her of being disrespectful and divisive. Some also pointed out that the quote was inaccurate, as reptile comes before Republican in most dictionaries.
- “I wouldn’t do nudity in films. For me, personally… To act with my clothes on is a performance; to act with my clothes off is a documentary.” This quote was made by Roberts in an interview with Vanity Fair in 1990. It sparked a debate about the role of nudity in films and whether it was a form of artistic expression or exploitation. Some critics argued that Roberts was being hypocritical, as she had appeared in semi-nude scenes in films like Pretty Woman and Flatliners.
- “God dwells within me. As me.” This quote was made by Roberts in an interview with Elle magazine in 2010. It revealed her conversion to Hinduism after filming Eat Pray Love in India. It also raised some eyebrows among Christians who questioned her faith and her understanding of God. Some also accused her of being a cultural appropriator who adopted Hinduism as a fashion statement.
- “The key to beauty is always to be looking at someone who loves you, really.” This quote was made by Roberts in an interview with The Huffington Post in 2009. It was meant to be a romantic sentiment, but some people found it problematic and sexist. They argued that it implied that women’s beauty depended on men’s validation and that it ignored the importance of self-love and confidence.
- “A fever is an expression of inner rage.” This quote was made by Roberts in an interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2003. It revealed her belief in alternative medicine and her skepticism of conventional medicine. It also drew criticism from doctors and scientists who dismissed it as pseudoscience and nonsense. They warned that fevers could be dangerous and should not be ignored or treated lightly.
- “If all you have to offer is a look that is supposed to be appealing, the you are going to be paid attention to about a tenth as long as you would be if when you speak you are interesting.” This quote was made by Roberts in an interview with The Guardian in 2001. It was intended to be a message of empowerment and intelligence for women, but some people found it offensive and elitist. They argued that it suggested that women who relied on their looks were shallow and boring, and that it ignored the realities of sexism and discrimination in the entertainment industry.
- “I don’t think I realized that the cost of fame is that it’s open season on every moment of your life.” This quote was made by Roberts in an interview with People magazine in 1999. It expressed her frustration with the paparazzi and the media scrutiny that came with her celebrity status. It also provoked some backlash from fans and critics who accused her of being ungrateful and whiny. They argued that she should have expected and accepted the consequences of fame, and that she had no right to complain when she enjoyed the privileges and benefits of being rich and famous.
- “True love doesn’t come to you it has to be inside you.” This quote was made by Roberts in an interview with InStyle magazine in 2002. It reflected her personal philosophy on love and relationships, but some people found it confusing and contradictory. They wondered how true love could be inside someone if it didn’t come to them, and how they could find someone who shared their true love if it was inside them.
- “Some great friendships can be formed because you see one another at your best and worst.” This quote was made by Roberts in an interview with Glamour magazine in 2014. It described her experience of working with Meryl Streep on the film August: Osage County, but some people found it insensitive and inappropriate. They pointed out that the film was about a dysfunctional family plagued by addiction, abuse, and secrets, and that it was not a suitable context for forming great friendships.
- “Life is so precious. Please, please, let’s love one another, live each day, reach out to each other, be kind to each other. Peace be with you. God is great.” This quote was made by Roberts at the end of her acceptance speech for winning the Best Actress Oscar for Erin Brockovich in 2001. It was meant to be a heartfelt and uplifting message, but some people found it preachy and patronizing. They argued that it sounded like a sermon or a lecture, and that it ignored the complexities and challenges of life.
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