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Top 10 Most Controversial Quotes From Kate Beckinsale & 10 Interesting Facts About Her


Kate Beckinsale is an English actress and model who has starred in various films and television shows. She is best known for playing the vampire Selene in the Underworld franchise, as well as appearing in other action, comedy, and drama films. She was born in London to two actors, and studied French and Russian literature at Oxford University. She has a daughter with actor Michael Sheen, and was married to director Len Wiseman for 15 years. She has also won writing competitions, battled anorexia, and has a great sense of humor.

Here are some controversial quotes from Kate Beckinsale

  1. “I don’t think you can aspire to be a movie star. You can aspire to be an actor, but that’s different.” Kate Beckinsale said this in an interview with The Guardian in 2016, where she expressed her disdain for the Hollywood system and the superficiality of fame. She said she preferred to work on projects that challenged her as an actor, rather than ones that boosted her profile or bank account.
  2. “I’ve only ever had about three boyfriends. Only a handful of people have seen into the Pharaoh’s Tomb.” Kate Beckinsale made this cheeky remark in an interview with Glamour UK in 2012, where she talked about her love life and her preference for monogamy. She said she was not interested in casual dating or hookups, and that she valued intimacy and trust in a relationship.
  3. “I find a lot of things kind of funny and I often say what’s on my mind, and then get nine texts from all my friends going, ‘What’s the matter with you?’” Kate Beckinsale said this in an interview with Esquire in 2009, where she revealed her sense of humor and her tendency to make jokes that others might find inappropriate or offensive. She said she liked to poke fun at herself and others, and that she did not take herself too seriously.
  4. “I think every girl is looking for her Mr Darcy.” Kate Beckinsale said this in an interview with The Telegraph in 2008, where she discussed her role as Emma Woodhouse in the ITV adaptation of Jane Austen’s Emma. She said she was a fan of Austen’s novels and that she related to the heroine’s search for true love. She also said she admired Colin Firth’s portrayal of Mr Darcy in the BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice.
  5. “I’m not very good at being looked after. I don’t know how to do it without feeling guilty.” Kate Beckinsale said this in an interview with Marie Claire UK in 2014, where she opened up about her struggle with depression and anxiety. She said she had a hard time accepting help or support from others, and that she felt responsible for everyone else’s happiness. She also said she was working on being more compassionate towards herself and letting go of guilt.
  6. “I don’t drink alcohol. My body treats it as if it’s poison.” Kate Beckinsale said this in an interview with Women’s Health UK in 2017, where she shared her secrets to staying fit and healthy. She said she avoided alcohol because it made her feel sick and bloated, and that she preferred to drink water or tea instead. She also said she followed a balanced diet and exercised regularly.
  7. “I’ve never been one of those people who needs a boyfriend on my arm at all times.” Kate Beckinsale said this in an interview with Allure in 2012, where she talked about her divorce from director Len Wiseman and her relationship with actor Michael Sheen. She said she was happy being single and independent, and that she did not need a man to validate her or make her feel complete. She also said she remained friends with both of her exes and co-parented their daughter Lily.
  8. “I’m the worst person to ask about how to get a good night’s sleep.” Kate Beckinsale said this in an interview with Shape in 2017, where she confessed that she suffered from insomnia and had trouble falling asleep at night. She said she tried various remedies such as meditation, aromatherapy, and melatonin, but none of them worked for her. She also said she often stayed up late watching TV or reading books.
  9. “I don’t really have much of a party lifestyle.” Kate Beckinsale said this in an interview with InStyle UK in 2016, where she explained why she rarely attended Hollywood events or parties. She said she preferred to spend her free time at home with her family and friends, or doing hobbies such as knitting or writing. She also said she did not enjoy being photographed or scrutinized by the media.
  10. “I think women are very powerful and I think we’re more powerful together than separated.” Kate Beckinsale said this in an interview with Elle UK in 2018, where she expressed her support for the #MeToo movement and the fight against sexual harassment and abuse in the entertainment industry. She said she was inspired by the courage of the women who spoke out against their abusers, and that she hoped for more solidarity and equality among women.

Here are some interesting facts about Kate Beckinsale

  1. She was born in London, England, to two actors, Richard Beckinsale and Judy Loe. Kate Beckinsale grew up in a showbiz family, as both of her parents were well-known actors in British television and film. Her father died of a heart attack when she was only five years old, leaving her deeply traumatized. Her mother later remarried to director Roy Battersby, and Kate became close with his children from previous marriages.
  2. She won two writing competitions when she was a teenager. Kate Beckinsale had a talent for writing from a young age, and she twice won the W.H. Smith Young Writers’ competition for her short stories and poems. She also wrote a novel when she was 13, but never published it. She said writing was her first love, and that she still enjoys it as a hobby.
  3. She studied French and Russian literature at Oxford University. Kate Beckinsale was accepted to Oxford’s New College in 1991, where she majored in French and Russian literature. She said she chose university over drama school because she wanted to broaden her horizons and learn more about the world. She also said she loved reading and studying different languages and cultures.
  4. She made her film debut in Kenneth Branagh’s Much Ado About Nothing while still a student at Oxford. Kate Beckinsale got her big break in 1993, when she starred as Hero in Kenneth Branagh’s adaptation of Shakespeare’s comedy Much Ado About Nothing. She filmed her part during her Easter break from Oxford, and received rave reviews for her performance. She said working with Branagh was an amazing experience, and that he inspired her to pursue acting as a career.
  5. She has played a variety of roles in different genres, from costume dramas to action films. Kate Beckinsale has shown her versatility as an actress by taking on diverse roles in different genres of film and television. She has appeared in British period pieces such as Emma (1996), The Golden Bowl (2000), and Love & Friendship (2016), as well as American blockbusters such as Pearl Harbor (2001), Van Helsing (2004), and Total Recall (2012). She is best known for playing the vampire Selene in the Underworld franchise (2003-2016), which established her as an action star.
  6. She has a daughter named Lily with actor Michael Sheen, whom she dated for eight years. Kate Beckinsale met actor Michael Sheen on the set of The Seagull in 1995, and they started dating soon after. They had a daughter named Lily Mo Sheen in 1999, but never married. They split up in 2003, but remained friends and co-parents. She said Sheen is still one of her best friends, and that they have a great relationship based on mutual respect and love for their daughter.
  7. She married director Len Wiseman in 2004, but divorced him in 2019. Kate Beckinsale fell in love with director Len Wiseman while filming Underworld in 2003, where he was married to another woman at the time. They got engaged in 2003, and married in 2004 in Bel-Air, California. They separated in 2015, and finalized their divorce in 2019. She said their marriage was happy for a long time, but that they grew apart over the years. She also said they remain on good terms, and that he is still close with her daughter Lily.
  8. She suffers from insomnia and anxiety, and has battled anorexia in the past. Kate Beckinsale has been open about her mental health struggles, and has revealed that she suffers from insomnia and anxiety since childhood. She said she has trouble falling asleep at night, and often stays up late watching TV or reading books. She also said she has experienced panic attacks and depression at various points in her life. She also suffered from anorexia when she was 15, but recovered after undergoing therapy for four years. She said she still struggles with body image issues sometimes, but that she tries to be kind to herself and stay healthy.
  9. She does not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, but loves chocolate and tea. Kate Beckinsale has a very healthy lifestyle, and avoids alcohol and cigarettes completely. She said alcohol makes her feel sick and bloated, and that she never liked smoking even though she tried it as a teenager. She said she prefers to drink water or tea instead, especially Earl Grey tea with milk and honey. She also loves chocolate, especially dark chocolate with sea salt or caramel filling. She said chocolate is her guilty pleasure, and that she indulges in it every day without feeling guilty.
  10. She has a great sense of humor and loves to make jokes on social media and interviews Kate Beckinsale is known for her witty and hilarious personality, and often makes jokes on social media and interviews that showcase her sense of humor. She posts funny videos of herself with her pets or friends, or makes sarcastic comments on other celebrities’ posts or news articles. She also cracks jokes during interviews or talk shows, often making fun of herself or others in a playful way. She said she likes to laugh and make others laugh, and that humor is an important part of her life.too
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