Home Health Reasons for high liver levels and 4 ways how to manage them

Reasons for high liver levels and 4 ways how to manage them


The liver, located under the diaphragm, is responsible for the metabolism of nutrients through more than 1,000 enzymes, as well as helping the production of immune cells that defend our body. In addition, it plays a role in secreting bile, which aids in the breakdown and absorption of fat, and plays various roles such as hormone metabolism, detoxification, and sterilization. It is known that the liver does more than 500 things in our body, so it is also called the chemical factory of the human body. It is the liver value that can check the health of the liver, which plays such an important role. Liver level is a blood test level that indicates liver function and can be checked by types such as AST, ALT, ALP, GGT, bilirubin, albumin, and protein. In particular, AST and ALT, liver function test items, can be said to be major indicators to assess the health of the liver as the enzymes are released and the levels rise when the cells are destroyed due to liver cell damage. Now, let’s take a look at the various factors that cause the elevation of liver levels. Reason for high liver

One of the major factors affecting the rise in liver levels is excessive drinking. The alcohol component of alcohol is broken down by the liver and excreted from the body. However, if you drink too much alcohol, liver cells are damaged by metabolites produced in the process of alcohol breakdown in the liver, and fat continuously accumulates in the liver. And if you continue to drink alcohol, the damage can be further aggravated without time to regenerate liver cells damaged by alcohol decomposition. Also, eating high-fat and high-calorie meat and processed foods can also cause high liver levels. Also, liver levels may rise due to various factors such as overwork, lack of sleep, smoking, stress, and overeating, and medications and nutritional supplements you are taking may also cause appropriate level changes. In addition, chronic hepatitis, hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses, alcoholic hepatitis, liver cancer, such as diseases, such as liver levels can be elevated. Management method for maintaining proper liver level

1. Controlling the amount of alcohol consumed

The habit of drinking alcohol is a representative factor that raises liver levels. In particular, habitual drinking patterns accelerate the damage without giving the damaged liver cells time to regenerate, as mentioned above. If you continue this drinking habit for a long time, it will affect the development of various liver diseases and liver cancer. Smoking habit is also known to cause liver damage, so it is important to quit smoking.

2. Control your intake of high-fat and high-calorie foods

Excessive consumption of high-fat, high-calorie meat cuts and foods can also trigger elevated liver levels. The liver is responsible for breaking down and synthesizing the nutrients the body needs. When you consume an excessive amount of high-fat and high-calorie foods, the normal function of the liver to be broken down is overloaded, and fat accumulates in the liver, which leads to an increase in liver levels. In particular, trans fat, a fatty acid produced when liquid vegetable oil is used to manufacture processed foods, accelerates the accumulation of fat in the liver, increasing the risk of fatty liver and various liver diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the intake of processed foods and instant foods high in trans fat as much as possible.

3. Eat foods that are good for your liver

It is also important to properly control the various foods introduced above and at the same time eat a variety of foods that help liver cell regeneration. It is recommended to eat a balanced diet of vegetables and fruits rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, and to properly consume grains such as brown rice, whole wheat, barley, millet, and barley. In particular, various kinds of green and yellow vegetables containing high vitamins and minerals are known to be effective in promoting liver metabolism and removing toxins that cause deterioration of liver function. However, you need to be careful because overdose of unconfirmed folk remedies or health functional foods can actually lead to liver damage.

4. Steady exercise

Regular exercise also plays an essential role in lowering liver levels. In particular, it is important to continue this exercise regularly, as it helps to maintain an appropriate weight by preventing obesity, which is another aggravating factor for liver level rise. It is recommended to do aerobic exercise such as walking, jogging, hiking, biking, and swimming at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes at a time. It is said that strength training that strengthens muscle mass can be combined with this to achieve even better results. However, excessive exercise can cause problems, so be careful.

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