20 Fun Facts About Human Saliva

20 Fun Facts About Human Saliva

Human saliva is 99.5% water. The remaining 0.5% is a mix of enzymes, electrolytes, antibacterial compounds, and various substances. Saliva plays a key...

From Failed Waterproof Sock to Summer Staple: The Surprising Origin of the Water Balloon

Water balloons, or as they are sometimes referred to, "aqua bombs," have been a staple of summer fun and water warfare for many years....
Bald Eagle

Top 10 Animals With Best Vision

Eagles: Eagles, such as the Bald Eagle or the Golden Eagle, have some of the most impressive vision in the animal kingdom. They...
Collage of 4 tapir species

15 Fun Facts About Tapir

Species: There are four recognized species of tapirs: the Brazilian tapir, the Malayan tapir, the Baird's tapir, and the mountain tapir. Ancient Animals:...
Spectacled Bear

10 Fun Facts About Spectacled Bear

Name: The spectacled bear gets its name from the distinctive rings of white or light fur around its eyes, which look like eyeglasses...
George Foreman

30 Fun Facts About George Foreman

Birth: George Foreman was born on January 10, 1949, in Marshall, Texas. Name Inspiration: He was named after his father, George Edward Foreman...

A Look Into the Walt Disney World, the “Most Magical” Place on Earth

Walt Disney World, the most visited vacation resort in the world, is synonymous with imagination, innovation, and sheer fun. It's a magical place where...

America’s Pistol: The Colt 1911, A Legend of Excellence and Reliability

At the dawn of the 20th century, a man named John Moses Browning, already known for his gun-making prowess, introduced what would become one...

30 Fun Facts About Kleenex

Here are 30 fun facts about the popular tissue brand, Kleenex: Early Days: Kleenex was first introduced in 1924 by the American company Kimberly-Clark. ...
Benefits of Becoming a Minimalist

30 Benefits of Becoming a Minimalist

Less Clutter: Minimalism reduces the amount of clutter in your life, freeing up space in your home and work environment. Less Stress: With...